Context :
The issue of the girl child in Morocco is a complex one that touches on the topic of equality and human rights. The constitution of Morocco, adopted in 2011, established the principle of equality between men and women and the equal enjoyment of rights and freedoms by women. This includes civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, in line with international conventions and covenants ratified by the country. The constitution also established the principle of parity and the fight against discrimination.
In addition, the Moroccan government has adopted laws and policies aimed at improving the situation of the girl child, including the adoption of the Law N° 103-13 on the fight against violence against women, which provides significant protections for victims, and the adoption of a gender approach in national and territorial public policies. However, there is still a need for effective and efficient implementation of these policies, particularly in terms of gender-sensitive budgeting.
Despite these legislative and political advances, inequalities and discrimination continue to persist in various areas of life for the girl child in Morocco, including education, economy, social life, culture and other aspects of rights. According to the Haut-Commissariat au Plan (HCP), while nearly all girls between the ages of 6 and 11 are enrolled in school, the enrollment rate drops to 92.2% for girls between the ages of 12 and 14 and 68.7% for girls between the ages of 15 and 17, and the rate of feminization of higher education is only 52.7%.
This situation impacts the exercise of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights for the girl child, and limits their participation in public affairs both in the present and future. This highlights the need for continued efforts to address the persistent inequalities and discrimination facing the girl child in Morocco.
Project Description :
The study on the situation of the girl child in Morocco aims to understand the current state of girls in the country of Morocco and identify areas where improvements can be made. It takes a comprehensive approach, examining issues related to human rights, education, health, employment, sports, information technologies, social networks, gender-based violence, underage marriage and vulnerability. The study also included a gender analysis of discrimination and a vulnerability analysis to understand which girls may be at a higher risk of being left behind. Through this study, the goal is to formulate conclusions and recommendations for constructive action that supports the progress of girls in Morocco and helps them reach their full potential. The study involved consultation workshops with key government and civil society actors.